Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Post Your Mark on History with Apt Desktop Editor

Post2Blog is a smart tool that provides assistance throughout blogpublishing. From the same program interface users can establish a new blogaccount, edit and post rich text, upload images and publish blogs.Integration with MS Word and other applications makes composing faster andmore efficient. Post2Blog is the program worth a good publisher!

Bytescout announces the official release of Post2Blog, a desktop editor forblogs. It provides a client-side assistance in everything that concerns blogpublishing. Post2Blog allows checking the spelling as you type, posting richtext with illustrations and tables, adding links to dictionaries andcommercial services (like Amazon Associates Program), tags and snippets fromweb pages. The program helps upload images to sites that have no uploadsupport. These and other handy features make Post2Blog an ideal assistant inboth starting a blog and keeping it alive.

Blogs are widely used to share ideas, vent opinions, or even run ane-business. They are used by professionals and home users alike. Post2Blogmakes blogging handier for both blogger types. It saves a great deal of timeand effort. Say, you work in Firefox or Internet Explorer and come across acurious piece of wisdom. Post2Blog can cut it out and paste into a new postalong with the reference to the site and the page screenshot. You can addquick comments, correct a misspelled word or two, and send off the post witha button click. The program offers a choice of tools to compose posts richwith features. It checks the spelling as you type, adds images and tunes,tables and smileys. It also embeds smart tags to Technorati and similarsites. With Post2Blog everything is done on the go and with a click.

More demanding blogs can be made in MS Word and transferred to Post2Blog forposting. A plug-in for MS Word installs a toolbar to help you work withblogs. The user can compose a post in the customary interface, addblog-specific tags, tunes, and transfer it with a click. The command linemode is another convenience that advanced users should find welcome. Itprovides a seamless integration of Post2Blog into an existing applicationenvironment. Corporate and professional bloggers can benefit from it bystreamlining the process from composing to publication. Flexibility of thesolution allows the user to accommodate it to their individual preferencesand environment. Using Post2Blog for assistance, you can make composing moreefficient and blogs more engaging.

Post2Blog v1.20 Features at a Glance
- WYSIWYG editor with rich features and hot key support;
- Support for image upload from imageshack.us, picturelli.com or a customFTP server;
- Spell-check as you type;
- Spell-check dictionaries for English, German, Italian, and French areincluded. Over seven additional dictionaries are ready for download from thecompany's website;
- Multilanguage spell check;
- Support for smart tags (Technorati, Del.icio.us, Buzzwords, 43 Things),links to dictionaries, commercial services and other sites;
- Context menu integration in Firefox, MS IE and integration via a toolbarin MS Word;
- Command line mode support.

Pricing and AvailabilityPost2Blog v1.2 runs under Windows 98/2000/ME/ XP and costs $39 (USD) for asingle-user license. The company offers its products for academic purposesat a 30% discount to the regular price. Post2Blog is also available as afreeware Express version with core functionality. Product registrationenables all program features and entitles users to free technical supportand program updates during 12 months. An evaluation version of the programis available at http://bytescout.com/files/Post2Blog.exe.

About BytescoutBytescout concentrates its development on internet applications and flashmultimedia. It offers a wide range of consumer products and programmingcomponents. The consumer line embraces tools for RSS feed, offline browsers,flash extraction and conversion tools. Developers will find on the companysite ActiveX libraries for the latest flash generation and other usefultools.

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