Friday, March 03, 2006
This Unsafe World
A Little Bit of Safety in This Unsafe World
"March 3, 2006: An easy to use and more than affordable encryption utilitygives the information stored on your computer 100% protection"
EXLADE, Inc. announced the release of version 2.1 of Cryptic Disk, apopular disk encryption tool that uses a trusted, validated algorithm(AES-256) chosen by the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) and stated to be the cryptographic standard for years to come.AES-256 is a FIPS-approved symmetric encryption algorithm that may be usedby U.S. Government organizations and others to protect sensitiveinformation. Cryptic Disk easily creates encrypted disk partitions to keepprivate and confidential data secure. Cryptic Disk allows to 100% protectthe privacy of the important data and ensures that only the owner of thedocuments will get access to the protected data in accordance with thedefined user privileges.
"Cryptic Disk has been developed as a utility to work with hard drives, butit works just as well with removable storage media, such as USB Flashdrives. It's all simple - once the data is encrypted, the files cannot beaccessed by any person who does not know the password. After decryption, allfiles become accessible and the hard drive works normally," says VasilMikulich, the author of Cryptic Disk. "You can use Cryptic Disk either athome or in the office.
We also added multiple users support to the program,so different degrees of access privileges for different users can be set bythe system administrator. As a result each user will have access to theencrypted data that he or she has the access rights to, but not to the dataof others."
Cryptic Disk is a reliable solution whenever there is a need for dataprotection on a shared computer, a need to strongly protect confidentialdocuments, emails, business agreements, personal letters, tax returns orreceipts, bank accounts or any other sensitive information. Users do notneed any special knowledge in security to start protecting their privateinformation. No wonder Peter Marx, one of the customers, expressed hisgratitude in such words: "You guys have a good program, here. Goodinterface, easy to understand and use. I chose yours over Dekart PrivateDisk and SecurStar DriveCrypt".
With the new version of Cryptic Disk come several useful features. OperatingCryptic Disk became faster and easier as you can now specify system hotkeysfor the main operations in the program, like mount or dismount encryptedvolumes. It is also made possible to select multiple users in the UserManagement dialog box. What it means is that each encrypted disk/partitioncan have its list of users with individual passwords and access rights. Thedisk administrator (the user who created the disk) or other users authorizedby the administrator can manage the list of users. Among other improvementsare individual settings for each encrypted disk, an option to configuremounted encrypted disks to be automatically unmounted, etc.
Cryptic Disk Features at a Glance:
- Your disk(s) (including removable media) are secured with a powerful androbust encryption algorithm (AES-256) ensuring that only authorized usersmay access it;
- Encrypted disks and partitions can be erased and converted into regularones any time you like;
- Individual password and access rights for each user of an encrypted disk ;
- Password protection for Cryptic Disk itself to limit access to the programby other users of the computer;
- Friendly interface. No need to reboot your computer after installation ofthe program;
- Look at the price and be surprised. Cryptic Disk IS cheaper than itsrivals.
Pricing and Availability
Cryptic Disk 2.1 runs under Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server and costs $49.95(USD) for a Home license or $69.95 (USD) for a Business license. There is aprogressive discount according to the number of licenses you purchase (forexample, it is only $13.95 (USD) for 100-1000 Home licenses). Registeredcustomers are entitled to free updates and lifetime technical support. Anevaluation version of Cryptic Disk is available as a free download at (1.8 Mb).
About EXLADE, Inc.
EXLADE, Inc. is an information technology company based in Seattle, WA.Founded in 2002, the company specializes in development of software forprotection of confidential information.
"March 3, 2006: An easy to use and more than affordable encryption utilitygives the information stored on your computer 100% protection"
EXLADE, Inc. announced the release of version 2.1 of Cryptic Disk, apopular disk encryption tool that uses a trusted, validated algorithm(AES-256) chosen by the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) and stated to be the cryptographic standard for years to come.AES-256 is a FIPS-approved symmetric encryption algorithm that may be usedby U.S. Government organizations and others to protect sensitiveinformation. Cryptic Disk easily creates encrypted disk partitions to keepprivate and confidential data secure. Cryptic Disk allows to 100% protectthe privacy of the important data and ensures that only the owner of thedocuments will get access to the protected data in accordance with thedefined user privileges.
"Cryptic Disk has been developed as a utility to work with hard drives, butit works just as well with removable storage media, such as USB Flashdrives. It's all simple - once the data is encrypted, the files cannot beaccessed by any person who does not know the password. After decryption, allfiles become accessible and the hard drive works normally," says VasilMikulich, the author of Cryptic Disk. "You can use Cryptic Disk either athome or in the office.
We also added multiple users support to the program,so different degrees of access privileges for different users can be set bythe system administrator. As a result each user will have access to theencrypted data that he or she has the access rights to, but not to the dataof others."
Cryptic Disk is a reliable solution whenever there is a need for dataprotection on a shared computer, a need to strongly protect confidentialdocuments, emails, business agreements, personal letters, tax returns orreceipts, bank accounts or any other sensitive information. Users do notneed any special knowledge in security to start protecting their privateinformation. No wonder Peter Marx, one of the customers, expressed hisgratitude in such words: "You guys have a good program, here. Goodinterface, easy to understand and use. I chose yours over Dekart PrivateDisk and SecurStar DriveCrypt".
With the new version of Cryptic Disk come several useful features. OperatingCryptic Disk became faster and easier as you can now specify system hotkeysfor the main operations in the program, like mount or dismount encryptedvolumes. It is also made possible to select multiple users in the UserManagement dialog box. What it means is that each encrypted disk/partitioncan have its list of users with individual passwords and access rights. Thedisk administrator (the user who created the disk) or other users authorizedby the administrator can manage the list of users. Among other improvementsare individual settings for each encrypted disk, an option to configuremounted encrypted disks to be automatically unmounted, etc.
Cryptic Disk Features at a Glance:
- Your disk(s) (including removable media) are secured with a powerful androbust encryption algorithm (AES-256) ensuring that only authorized usersmay access it;
- Encrypted disks and partitions can be erased and converted into regularones any time you like;
- Individual password and access rights for each user of an encrypted disk ;
- Password protection for Cryptic Disk itself to limit access to the programby other users of the computer;
- Friendly interface. No need to reboot your computer after installation ofthe program;
- Look at the price and be surprised. Cryptic Disk IS cheaper than itsrivals.
Pricing and Availability
Cryptic Disk 2.1 runs under Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server and costs $49.95(USD) for a Home license or $69.95 (USD) for a Business license. There is aprogressive discount according to the number of licenses you purchase (forexample, it is only $13.95 (USD) for 100-1000 Home licenses). Registeredcustomers are entitled to free updates and lifetime technical support. Anevaluation version of Cryptic Disk is available as a free download at (1.8 Mb).
About EXLADE, Inc.
EXLADE, Inc. is an information technology company based in Seattle, WA.Founded in 2002, the company specializes in development of software forprotection of confidential information.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Admire Your Digital Experiences Online
Let Other People Admire Your Digital Experiences Online
New Express Thumbnail Creator gives you a wizard-style interface forrefreshingly rapid creation of wonderful photo galleries, which are readyfor publication online in a few minutes
NeoWise Software today announces the release of version 1.8 of Express Thumbnail Creator (ETC), a web photo album creation tool for Microsoft Windows. ETC lets anyone, regardless of their knowledge of HTML or CSS,create a compelling, high impact gallery for sharing digital memories withother people over the internet. The ETC's wizard-style interface takes youthrough all the stages of gallery creation in a step-by-step fashion andgives a total control over its every detail. You can use default settings orchoose from 30 exclusive pre-build templates that can help you jump startyour project in a couple of minutes. Or, you can spend some time tocustomize the look of the gallery according to your own taste and creative urge.
ETC is perfect for all digital photo enthusiasts, who want to create a web gallery, but don't have time to learn the HTML language, or a complex webdesign tool. Simply go along five steps of gallery building, adding images,selecting and applying a style to your gallery, specifying the look forthumbnails and full-size images. You can also customize the size of tables on index pages, set titles, colors, links, and captions used on index andimage pages. And, finally, you can generate and save the gallery project inthe HTML format. The best thing is that all your efforts here are restrictedto several mouse clicks, so you can better concentrate on the creative sideof gallery creation. Upon generating the gallery, it is ready forpublication online and can be immediately uploaded to your website. With ETC you can easily turn your gallery into a fine piece of art, whose elegantstyle will fascinate the eye of the most demanding viewer.
"Express Thumbnail Creator was the first program in the world that wasdesigned for creation of web galleries and had a user interface of doublenature," says Alexey Surkis, CEO of NeoWise Software. "The one, thestep-by-step wizard, was designed for ordinary users, who felt embarrassedby lots of customization options in other products. So, ETC came as a lifesaver for them. At the same time, the program was good for professionalusers, who could take an advantage of the tabs for quick access to options.Since the first release, there have appeared many "clone"-programs thatcopied the interface and style, but our program remains to be the undisputedleader in its category, adopted by thousands of users worldwide. ETC hasgathered a long string of awards from top software reviewers for technicalelegance and usability."
ETC Pricing and Availability
Express Thumbnail Creator 1.8 runs under Windows 98/Me/NT4/2000/XP and costs$39.95 (USD) for a single-user license. Registered customers are entitled tofree upgrades to minor versions, considerable discounts on upgrades to majorversions, and priority technical support. Discounts for volume buyers areavailable.
About NeoWise Software
NeoWise Software is a technology company based in Kiev, Ukraine. Since itsfoundation in 2003, the company has focused its efforts on the developmentof automation software for the Windows platforms. NeoWise Software is theauthor of RoboTask, a computer productivity tool that has received a stringof top ratings and recommendations by software reviewers at MSDN Magazine,Network World, and others (
New Express Thumbnail Creator gives you a wizard-style interface forrefreshingly rapid creation of wonderful photo galleries, which are readyfor publication online in a few minutes
NeoWise Software today announces the release of version 1.8 of Express Thumbnail Creator (ETC), a web photo album creation tool for Microsoft Windows. ETC lets anyone, regardless of their knowledge of HTML or CSS,create a compelling, high impact gallery for sharing digital memories withother people over the internet. The ETC's wizard-style interface takes youthrough all the stages of gallery creation in a step-by-step fashion andgives a total control over its every detail. You can use default settings orchoose from 30 exclusive pre-build templates that can help you jump startyour project in a couple of minutes. Or, you can spend some time tocustomize the look of the gallery according to your own taste and creative urge.
ETC is perfect for all digital photo enthusiasts, who want to create a web gallery, but don't have time to learn the HTML language, or a complex webdesign tool. Simply go along five steps of gallery building, adding images,selecting and applying a style to your gallery, specifying the look forthumbnails and full-size images. You can also customize the size of tables on index pages, set titles, colors, links, and captions used on index andimage pages. And, finally, you can generate and save the gallery project inthe HTML format. The best thing is that all your efforts here are restrictedto several mouse clicks, so you can better concentrate on the creative sideof gallery creation. Upon generating the gallery, it is ready forpublication online and can be immediately uploaded to your website. With ETC you can easily turn your gallery into a fine piece of art, whose elegantstyle will fascinate the eye of the most demanding viewer.
"Express Thumbnail Creator was the first program in the world that wasdesigned for creation of web galleries and had a user interface of doublenature," says Alexey Surkis, CEO of NeoWise Software. "The one, thestep-by-step wizard, was designed for ordinary users, who felt embarrassedby lots of customization options in other products. So, ETC came as a lifesaver for them. At the same time, the program was good for professionalusers, who could take an advantage of the tabs for quick access to options.Since the first release, there have appeared many "clone"-programs thatcopied the interface and style, but our program remains to be the undisputedleader in its category, adopted by thousands of users worldwide. ETC hasgathered a long string of awards from top software reviewers for technicalelegance and usability."
ETC Pricing and Availability
Express Thumbnail Creator 1.8 runs under Windows 98/Me/NT4/2000/XP and costs$39.95 (USD) for a single-user license. Registered customers are entitled tofree upgrades to minor versions, considerable discounts on upgrades to majorversions, and priority technical support. Discounts for volume buyers areavailable.
About NeoWise Software
NeoWise Software is a technology company based in Kiev, Ukraine. Since itsfoundation in 2003, the company has focused its efforts on the developmentof automation software for the Windows platforms. NeoWise Software is theauthor of RoboTask, a computer productivity tool that has received a stringof top ratings and recommendations by software reviewers at MSDN Magazine,Network World, and others (
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Advanced Font Viewer
Advanced Font Viewer - a lever that strengthens your creative effort
The leverage is well known but I will allow myself to remind you what it is. By using a lever you go a longer distance, but benefit in the appliedstrength. It's not accidental that this effective principal is successfullyused by crooks - they use jemmy to pick locks and bolts. So why not use thelever principle for your own goals?
Advanced Font Viewer - this is your lever. As you could guess from thetitle, it is a program for working with fonts. Fonts are used everywherewhere it is needed to transfer the information through text, i.e. anywebsite, book, magazine, newspaper, greeting card, commercial, banner.Fontssurround us all day long and throughout our whole lives. Such wide use offonts in our everyday life was caused by a huge variety of them. So, what'sthe way to cope with this wide selection and make the right choice of afont?
A lot of people limit their choice to the font selection tools that are built into their programs, and don't even suspect that they could use theleverage here - they could use a program created specially for thesepurposes. This is a logical continuation of the main program functions thatstrongly increases your abilities in the choice of fonts and gives this taska previously unknown convenience.
The choice of available fonts is not longer limited to a pathetic pop-up list, it is now carried out with a full screen list. You can see the samples of the selected font - for example, "Company Name" in any color, style andsize of font. The list of fonts available for viewing is not limited to theset fonts only, you can also see the not preset fonts from any folder andany disk.
You can try the program out and see for yourself that the program optionsare not limited to the ones mentioned above. It should also be mentionedthat the program includes lifetime free updates and even if you're going touse it not for your whole life but for only 5 years, the annual fee forowning the program will be only $8!
Pricing and Availability
Advanced Font Viewer runs under Windows 2000/XP and costs $39.95 (USD). Registered customers are entitled to free upgrades and technical support. A21-day evaluation version is available as a free download at
The leverage is well known but I will allow myself to remind you what it is. By using a lever you go a longer distance, but benefit in the appliedstrength. It's not accidental that this effective principal is successfullyused by crooks - they use jemmy to pick locks and bolts. So why not use thelever principle for your own goals?
Advanced Font Viewer - this is your lever. As you could guess from thetitle, it is a program for working with fonts. Fonts are used everywherewhere it is needed to transfer the information through text, i.e. anywebsite, book, magazine, newspaper, greeting card, commercial, banner.Fontssurround us all day long and throughout our whole lives. Such wide use offonts in our everyday life was caused by a huge variety of them. So, what'sthe way to cope with this wide selection and make the right choice of afont?
A lot of people limit their choice to the font selection tools that are built into their programs, and don't even suspect that they could use theleverage here - they could use a program created specially for thesepurposes. This is a logical continuation of the main program functions thatstrongly increases your abilities in the choice of fonts and gives this taska previously unknown convenience.
The choice of available fonts is not longer limited to a pathetic pop-up list, it is now carried out with a full screen list. You can see the samples of the selected font - for example, "Company Name" in any color, style andsize of font. The list of fonts available for viewing is not limited to theset fonts only, you can also see the not preset fonts from any folder andany disk.
You can try the program out and see for yourself that the program optionsare not limited to the ones mentioned above. It should also be mentionedthat the program includes lifetime free updates and even if you're going touse it not for your whole life but for only 5 years, the annual fee forowning the program will be only $8!
Pricing and Availability
Advanced Font Viewer runs under Windows 2000/XP and costs $39.95 (USD). Registered customers are entitled to free upgrades and technical support. A21-day evaluation version is available as a free download at
All My Movies: Movie-Related Data Harvester
All My Movies: Movie-Related Data Harvester
Bolide Software Announces Version 3.9
Choose this, choose that. Choose drama, choose comedy, choose horror, and choose the alternative art movie. Whatever you have chosen - if you love movies, if you have plenty of them - you do need to organize them.
Which movies you have, and where do you store them (CDs, DVDs, VHS or so)? What movies you heard of and would like to see? Which actors starred in which movies ("honey, I want to watch something with Johnny Depp!")? Which movies are new in your collection and you haven't seen them just yet? All of these questions (and much more) are easily answerable with All My Movies software.
"Oh", you would say, "I'm so lazy! I simply wouldn't fill out all those fields in the movie database. I have hundreds of movies, and for each of them I would have to type in the Name, Actors, Genre, Year, Description: Brrrrr!"
Nothing like that! All My Movies connects to movie databases (like IMDB) and loads all the descriptions auto-magically. Moreover, you can provide your favorite movies with screenshots taken directly from the DVD or AVI files.
The software's capabilities don't exhaust by the "what I have" database. It also can serve as a (very!) convenient play list (sure! why do you need *two* programs for organizing and viewing your movies?) and the tool of "communication": You can export the movies lists and give them to your friends; you can manage the movies taken by your friends or given to you. Really, you wouldn't look for other movie organizer, once you take a glance at All My Movies!
Pricing and Availability
All My Movies runs under Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP and costs $29.95(USD). You can download a trial version of the program with theevaluation period of 30 days for free. Using this trial version youcan't export your database to MS Excel files. When you buy a licenseand register your copy all these limitations will be removed and youwill be able to use free technical support and free update options.The free unregistered version of All My Movies is available at:
About Bolide Software
Bolide Software Inc is a software development company, whichspecializes in the development of high quality software solutions for multimedia. The company was created in 2001 by software engineer MaxSmirnoff. Bolide Software is the author of such popular titles as "All My Photos", an easy-to-use digital photo album, and "Image Comparer",a smart utility to search for identical images.
Bolide Software Announces Version 3.9
Choose this, choose that. Choose drama, choose comedy, choose horror, and choose the alternative art movie. Whatever you have chosen - if you love movies, if you have plenty of them - you do need to organize them.
Which movies you have, and where do you store them (CDs, DVDs, VHS or so)? What movies you heard of and would like to see? Which actors starred in which movies ("honey, I want to watch something with Johnny Depp!")? Which movies are new in your collection and you haven't seen them just yet? All of these questions (and much more) are easily answerable with All My Movies software.
"Oh", you would say, "I'm so lazy! I simply wouldn't fill out all those fields in the movie database. I have hundreds of movies, and for each of them I would have to type in the Name, Actors, Genre, Year, Description: Brrrrr!"
Nothing like that! All My Movies connects to movie databases (like IMDB) and loads all the descriptions auto-magically. Moreover, you can provide your favorite movies with screenshots taken directly from the DVD or AVI files.
The software's capabilities don't exhaust by the "what I have" database. It also can serve as a (very!) convenient play list (sure! why do you need *two* programs for organizing and viewing your movies?) and the tool of "communication": You can export the movies lists and give them to your friends; you can manage the movies taken by your friends or given to you. Really, you wouldn't look for other movie organizer, once you take a glance at All My Movies!
Pricing and Availability
All My Movies runs under Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP and costs $29.95(USD). You can download a trial version of the program with theevaluation period of 30 days for free. Using this trial version youcan't export your database to MS Excel files. When you buy a licenseand register your copy all these limitations will be removed and youwill be able to use free technical support and free update options.The free unregistered version of All My Movies is available at:
About Bolide Software
Bolide Software Inc is a software development company, whichspecializes in the development of high quality software solutions for multimedia. The company was created in 2001 by software engineer MaxSmirnoff. Bolide Software is the author of such popular titles as "All My Photos", an easy-to-use digital photo album, and "Image Comparer",a smart utility to search for identical images.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Make Your Real-world Photo Live
Make Your Real-world Photo Live with Nature Illusion Studio 1.10!
Nature Illusion Studio enables rapid creation of lifelike screensavers andanimations by adding a wide array of water, weather and sound effects toyour own photos and images
BALI, Indonesia. - February 28, 2006: Nufsoft today announces the release of Nature Illusion Studio 1.10, a design tool for creation of compellingscreensavers and animations. This application provides you with apoint-and-click design environment that lets you transform your real-worldphoto into an animated nature scene. In just a few clicks you can add various water effects, weather effects like snow and rain, and backgroundsounds that recreate natural phenomena with much realism and accuracy. Theend result is a superbly lifelike and atmospheric presentation that can besaved as a screensaver, a standalone executable, an AVI or animated GIF fileand distributed to other people, who can admire your creation.
The concept behind Nature Illusion Studio according to Armin Budiman, its author, is to bring in the natural look to still photos. "A photo restrictsyour excitement from holidays spent at the seaside or near a waterfall toflat, two-dimensional images. Our Nature Illusion Studio lets you go beyondthese physical restrictions and make a self-made animated scene, which canbring the original spirit and excitement of the holiday back to life. Allvisual effects have been recreated with accurate physics, so ripples on thewater or subtle movements of the air look and behave just like they might inthe physical life. The best thing is that you can share your excitement withothers. You can create a screensaver and present it as a gift to yourbeloved or friend, publish it on your website and let your guests orcustomers download it for free."
Nature Illusion Studio lets you create your own screensaver right out of thebox without any prior experience in graphic design. Simply load a real-worldphoto and, using your mouse, apply a water effect. You do this by drawing awater mask over the area you want to animate. The program allows you toapply 4 different water effects, each of which may be configured to behavein its own way. You can configure the height and number of waves, apply aripple effect, add distortions to the water, and more. At any point of thecreation process, you can preview the photo to see how your changes affectits look. Along with manual customization, you can load and apply presetsettings from the Water Effect library. In addition to water effects, youmay add fire, fog, and cloud effects and set the background music or sound.
Read more information at Nature Illusion Studio for free Mb)
Nature Illusion Studio at a Glance
- Apply up to 4 water effects to a single image;
- Add realistic snow and rain effects, sounds and background music up to 8channels;
- A library of presets for various effects, including Waterfall, Lake,River, Fire, Fog, etc.;
- Auto View mode provides you with instant feedback on your changes in realtime;
- Save your creation as a screensaver, executable file, GIF or AVI file;
- Created nature scenes can be used in Water Illusion Screensaver, or WaterIllusion
Screensaver Creator
Pricing and Availability
Nature Illusion Studio runs under Windows 9x/2000/Me/XP and costs $24.95(USD) for a single-user license. Licensed customers are entitled to freeupgrades and lifetime technical support. The company provides Limited TimeOffers on its software (please, refer to Additional information on NatureIllusion Studio, as well as its 15-day fully functional evaluation versionis available from
About Nufsoft
Founded on 2002, Nufsoft is a privately-held software development company based in Indonesia. Nufsoft specializes in the development of screensaverdesign software for the Windows platforms. Committed to high standards ofusability, Nufsoft puts a special emphasis on its user interfaces to makethem easy to learn and use for novice and expert users alike.
Nature Illusion Studio enables rapid creation of lifelike screensavers andanimations by adding a wide array of water, weather and sound effects toyour own photos and images
BALI, Indonesia. - February 28, 2006: Nufsoft today announces the release of Nature Illusion Studio 1.10, a design tool for creation of compellingscreensavers and animations. This application provides you with apoint-and-click design environment that lets you transform your real-worldphoto into an animated nature scene. In just a few clicks you can add various water effects, weather effects like snow and rain, and backgroundsounds that recreate natural phenomena with much realism and accuracy. Theend result is a superbly lifelike and atmospheric presentation that can besaved as a screensaver, a standalone executable, an AVI or animated GIF fileand distributed to other people, who can admire your creation.
The concept behind Nature Illusion Studio according to Armin Budiman, its author, is to bring in the natural look to still photos. "A photo restrictsyour excitement from holidays spent at the seaside or near a waterfall toflat, two-dimensional images. Our Nature Illusion Studio lets you go beyondthese physical restrictions and make a self-made animated scene, which canbring the original spirit and excitement of the holiday back to life. Allvisual effects have been recreated with accurate physics, so ripples on thewater or subtle movements of the air look and behave just like they might inthe physical life. The best thing is that you can share your excitement withothers. You can create a screensaver and present it as a gift to yourbeloved or friend, publish it on your website and let your guests orcustomers download it for free."
Nature Illusion Studio lets you create your own screensaver right out of thebox without any prior experience in graphic design. Simply load a real-worldphoto and, using your mouse, apply a water effect. You do this by drawing awater mask over the area you want to animate. The program allows you toapply 4 different water effects, each of which may be configured to behavein its own way. You can configure the height and number of waves, apply aripple effect, add distortions to the water, and more. At any point of thecreation process, you can preview the photo to see how your changes affectits look. Along with manual customization, you can load and apply presetsettings from the Water Effect library. In addition to water effects, youmay add fire, fog, and cloud effects and set the background music or sound.
Read more information at Nature Illusion Studio for free Mb)
Nature Illusion Studio at a Glance
- Apply up to 4 water effects to a single image;
- Add realistic snow and rain effects, sounds and background music up to 8channels;
- A library of presets for various effects, including Waterfall, Lake,River, Fire, Fog, etc.;
- Auto View mode provides you with instant feedback on your changes in realtime;
- Save your creation as a screensaver, executable file, GIF or AVI file;
- Created nature scenes can be used in Water Illusion Screensaver, or WaterIllusion
Screensaver Creator
Pricing and Availability
Nature Illusion Studio runs under Windows 9x/2000/Me/XP and costs $24.95(USD) for a single-user license. Licensed customers are entitled to freeupgrades and lifetime technical support. The company provides Limited TimeOffers on its software (please, refer to Additional information on NatureIllusion Studio, as well as its 15-day fully functional evaluation versionis available from
About Nufsoft
Founded on 2002, Nufsoft is a privately-held software development company based in Indonesia. Nufsoft specializes in the development of screensaverdesign software for the Windows platforms. Committed to high standards ofusability, Nufsoft puts a special emphasis on its user interfaces to makethem easy to learn and use for novice and expert users alike.
Monday, February 27, 2006
EleFun Multimedia - innovative solutions for desktop animation
Innovative Solutions from Leading Content Provider
EleFun Multimedia, the leading provider of multimedia content, comes up with innovative solutions for desktop animation. It offers quality content that adds value to products andservices and boosts sales.
EleFun Multimedia, a reputable provider of multimedia content comes up with innovativesolutions for desktop animation. Providers of web services and producers of flash memory areoffered quality multimedia content as product supplements or part of a web service. AnimatedDesktop Wallpapers as a background for instant messengers and email accounts should raise thepopularity of web services. Software supplement to such products as flash memory adds value tothe products and makes them more competitive. The company offers new licensing schemes.Animated Screensavers, Animated Desktop Wallpapers and Screen-Mates are offered underexclusive and non-exclusive licences. An exclusive license makes its owner the onlydistributor of the unique content, while non-exclusive rights allow distributing the contentwith guaranteed popularity.
The content, that EleFun offers for licensing, spans over several product lines and amounts to500 titles. Besides Animated Desktop Wallpapers and Screensavers that all feature animatedelements and sound, the company offers a trendy line of Screen-Mates that adorn and enliventhe desktop space without distracting users. The themes of the products range from wildlifelandscapes to modern art. EleFun Multimedia also offers made-to-order multimedia content thatcan carry the ordering company’s brand name or logo and promote its products and services.Companies can order content that corresponds to their promotion campaign and has additionalfeatures. It would make an excellent marketing tool that is budgetary, attractive to targetaudience, and effective in product image build up.
“EleFun is the leading provider of multimedia content,” says Andrey Elyseev, Chief MarketingOfficer at EleFun Multimedia. “Its reputation is supported by top user ratings and awards. Theinnovative solutions offered under new licensing schemes are sure to attract the end user toproducts and services. The company has it in its plan to expand each of the three main productlines with several hundred of new titles.”
While the internet deeper penetrates into people’s life, businesses discover new channels topromote products and services. Many flagships of industry offer free downloads from officialsites that aim to create a positive image for their products. Whether a wallpaper or ascreensaver, such downloads connect the products with a positive user experience. An animatedimage in the corner of the desktop or a wallpaper with moving elements looks pretty sleek as asystem ornament. It attracts users and at the same time makes products and brandsrecognizable. Providers of web services and hardware producers can use Animated Wallpapers toadd value to their commodities. An attractive background for an email service or an instantmessenger can sway user preferences to a certain provider. Flash memory that ships with acollection of screensavers or wallpapers will be more tempting to buy because of the valueadded by its software supplement. The potential that multimedia content offers for productmarketing is huge and can’t be neglected.
Pricing and Availability
All EleFun products run under Windows 98/ME/2000/XP. Animated screensavers and desktopbackgrounds are offered under two licensing schemes. The exclusive license vests the licenseowner with the proprietary rights to a product. The non-exclusive license, on the other hand,allows distributing the content along with other licence owners. However, it enables theowner to choose products which popularity was proven with time.
For each licensing scheme the company offers flexible pricing and payment terms.
About EleFun Multimedia
EleFun Multimedia rates among top providers of animated desktop elements. Since itsestablishment in 2000, EleFun constantly expands its collections of Animated Screensavers,Animated Desktop Wallpapers and games. EleFun multimedia products brought a string of awardsand worldwide recognition for their high quality, economic use of resources and innovativeapproach. It also actively explores new opportunities and comes up with fresh ideas. Itscollaborative projects with businesses are supported with a portfolio of innovative solutionswith proved efficiency.
EleFun Multimedia, the leading provider of multimedia content, comes up with innovative solutions for desktop animation. It offers quality content that adds value to products andservices and boosts sales.
EleFun Multimedia, a reputable provider of multimedia content comes up with innovativesolutions for desktop animation. Providers of web services and producers of flash memory areoffered quality multimedia content as product supplements or part of a web service. AnimatedDesktop Wallpapers as a background for instant messengers and email accounts should raise thepopularity of web services. Software supplement to such products as flash memory adds value tothe products and makes them more competitive. The company offers new licensing schemes.Animated Screensavers, Animated Desktop Wallpapers and Screen-Mates are offered underexclusive and non-exclusive licences. An exclusive license makes its owner the onlydistributor of the unique content, while non-exclusive rights allow distributing the contentwith guaranteed popularity.
The content, that EleFun offers for licensing, spans over several product lines and amounts to500 titles. Besides Animated Desktop Wallpapers and Screensavers that all feature animatedelements and sound, the company offers a trendy line of Screen-Mates that adorn and enliventhe desktop space without distracting users. The themes of the products range from wildlifelandscapes to modern art. EleFun Multimedia also offers made-to-order multimedia content thatcan carry the ordering company’s brand name or logo and promote its products and services.Companies can order content that corresponds to their promotion campaign and has additionalfeatures. It would make an excellent marketing tool that is budgetary, attractive to targetaudience, and effective in product image build up.
“EleFun is the leading provider of multimedia content,” says Andrey Elyseev, Chief MarketingOfficer at EleFun Multimedia. “Its reputation is supported by top user ratings and awards. Theinnovative solutions offered under new licensing schemes are sure to attract the end user toproducts and services. The company has it in its plan to expand each of the three main productlines with several hundred of new titles.”
While the internet deeper penetrates into people’s life, businesses discover new channels topromote products and services. Many flagships of industry offer free downloads from officialsites that aim to create a positive image for their products. Whether a wallpaper or ascreensaver, such downloads connect the products with a positive user experience. An animatedimage in the corner of the desktop or a wallpaper with moving elements looks pretty sleek as asystem ornament. It attracts users and at the same time makes products and brandsrecognizable. Providers of web services and hardware producers can use Animated Wallpapers toadd value to their commodities. An attractive background for an email service or an instantmessenger can sway user preferences to a certain provider. Flash memory that ships with acollection of screensavers or wallpapers will be more tempting to buy because of the valueadded by its software supplement. The potential that multimedia content offers for productmarketing is huge and can’t be neglected.
Pricing and Availability
All EleFun products run under Windows 98/ME/2000/XP. Animated screensavers and desktopbackgrounds are offered under two licensing schemes. The exclusive license vests the licenseowner with the proprietary rights to a product. The non-exclusive license, on the other hand,allows distributing the content along with other licence owners. However, it enables theowner to choose products which popularity was proven with time.
For each licensing scheme the company offers flexible pricing and payment terms.
About EleFun Multimedia
EleFun Multimedia rates among top providers of animated desktop elements. Since itsestablishment in 2000, EleFun constantly expands its collections of Animated Screensavers,Animated Desktop Wallpapers and games. EleFun multimedia products brought a string of awardsand worldwide recognition for their high quality, economic use of resources and innovativeapproach. It also actively explores new opportunities and comes up with fresh ideas. Itscollaborative projects with businesses are supported with a portfolio of innovative solutionswith proved efficiency., a free trafficexchange technology not detectable by pop up blocker software
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The technology behind is as smart as simple. Basically, popups cannot be blocked because are part of the rest of the page. For thisreason, is technically impossible for a software to distinguish a pop upfrom normal content, and that's the reason behing the FreePopUps.comincredible success.
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Author Short Bio
Yves Lavoie is the founder of . He helps everyday thousandsof successful webmasters and professionals to promote their website usingthe free pop up traffic exchange technology.
Advertising is a crucial factor for any website success. In fact, if youwant people to know about your new creation, you must redirect in some waytraffic to your pages. There are many advertisement forms currentlyavailable on the market, such as banners, side skyscrapers, text linkadvertisements and so on.
For sure, the most attractive advertisement that hit the attention is the socalled "pop up".
Pop up advertising consists in a small window, that appears as a separatewindow just over your current browser page, promoting ads and lettingtraffic flow to your website.
The side effects of pop up advertisement are mainly two. The first one, isthat the majority of the Internet users are "addicted" to ads, and tend toclose them even before reading them. For this reason, the advertisement isuseless even if you pay its impression. Another aspect that goes againsttraditional pop ups, is that there are now pop up blocker softwares, thatwill automatically block pop ups when they would be supposed to appear.Those two issues made in the past pop ups an obsolete and deprecatedtechnology, but now things are changing.
In fact, a new technology was developed to display pop ups, not beingdetectable by blockers, and of sure interest for advertisers and Internetusers. One of the most exciting and interesting features, as a plus, is thatthose kinds of pop ups are offered entirely for free., the site that offers the innovative pop up system, is a freepop up traffic exchange program, letting people to advertise their websiteand services, giving in exchange the possibility to show others' pop ups ontheir pages.
Being a free advertisement program, there are thousands of interestedwebmasters that will let to show your ad without any cost, letting you savemoney and get an effective promotion of your pages. As everybody know,Internet advertising is a very expensive market, and the FreePopUps.comsolution is the only one that is able to provide the customer a free pop uptraffic exchange program, with the addition of avoiding any pop up blockersoftware.
The technology behind is as smart as simple. Basically, popups cannot be blocked because are part of the rest of the page. For thisreason, is technically impossible for a software to distinguish a pop upfrom normal content, and that's the reason behing the FreePopUps.comincredible success.
Everyday, satisfied publishers show their pop up for free, thus receivingmore and more traffic day by day.
FreePopUps ads, more than being embedded in the page, are also compatiblewith every common browser on the market, such as Internet Explorer, MozillaFirefox, Opera and more.
Author Short Bio
Yves Lavoie is the founder of . He helps everyday thousandsof successful webmasters and professionals to promote their website usingthe free pop up traffic exchange technology.