Thursday, July 06, 2006


Saving Money in Printer Usage

Print Censor Pro: Real Breakthrough to Saving Money in Printer Usage

A New Effective Tool Designed to Make Network Printers Management Easy and Fast

UsefulSoft today announces the release of Print Censor Professional 4.7, a powerful tool designed to record a printer's usage data and make the management of network printers as easy as possible. Print Censor Professional saves for you all useful printing information, including user and computer names, document title and size, time and date of printing, number of pages and copies, priority, paper size, color of printing (colored or black and white), whether it was a duplex printing or not and a print job cost. Nothing is left out and, any time you need it, all this useful information is at hand. But what makes Print Censor Professional a really state-of-the-art program and a natural choice for any system administrator is the fact that it doesn't stop at mere analysis of printing data, it allows you to set printing quotas for individual users. So, every user whose printing limit gets exceeded will be momentarily notified of his status and all his printing activity will be blo!

"When designing Print Censor Professional we constantly kept in mind its future users and their needs," says Alex Egorov, CEO at UsefulSoft. "We made all effort to create a really handy program, easy to use and highly customizable, in other words - a multi-purpose one. Now Print Censor Professional can help anyone starting with an ordinary user trying to keep track of his own printing activities and ending with system administrators whom it will help with a daunting task of keeping under control a large net of organization's printers."

Print Censor Professional saves your money by eliminating non-work usage of your company's printers. All you need is, first, to analyze the excessive data gathered for you by Print Censor Professional, and, second, use it to set individual quotas for every printer. A great advantage of Print Censor Professional is its flexibility, which allows you to increase quotas for particular users, for example, a secretary, or change them according to workload changes. With Print Censor Professional you can also save time as you have all your printers at hand in one window and you can monitor their activity so that in case of overload of one printer you can move some of its tasks to other printers.

Not all the computers in your net may have the same OS installed on them. That doesn't cause even a bit of a problem for Print Censor Professional, which can determine and store print jobs created under various operating systems: DOS, Windows 3.11/95/98/ME Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows Server 2003, Macintosh, Linux and other Unix versions. The print jobs manager provided by Print Censor Professional allows you to execute all basic operations and print jobs directly from Print Censor Professional. Remote management of printers installed on other computers is also on the list of Print Censor Professional useful features.
Print Censor Pro is very simple and even a beginner can use it without any problems. The step-by-step setup provided by Print Censor Pro will help any user to easily install and run the program.

About UsefulSoft
UsefulSoft is an information technology company founded in 2000 and specializing in development of software associated with printing. For more information about the company and products, visit

Wednesday, July 05, 2006



NetSupport, a leading provider of desktop management software products for corporate and educational networks, today announced the imminent launch of "NetSupport Inform", the first dedicated corporate training application.

London, UK July 05, 2006 -- NetSupport, a leading provider of desktop management software products for corporate and educational networks, today announced the imminent launch of "NetSupport Inform", the first dedicated corporate training application.

Building on the success of its internationally renowned NetSupport School classroom instruction, management and collaboration software, NetSupport School; this latest addition to the NetSupport portfolio of products addresses the growing needs of the corporate training environment, a market set to increase where the average annual training expenditure has increased to $955 per employee, who receive an average of 32 hours formal learning (source. ASTD 2005 State of the Industry Report).

With NetSupport Inform, instructors and trainers can improve the efficiency of instruction by centrally managing delegates on their computers, tracking delegate activity by monitoring application and web usage, improve responsiveness through the use of real-time chat requests, and save time by quickly polling delegates with an instant survey and showing the results.

"As NetSupport Inform utilizes our existing proven technology, we're in the enviable position of launching an all new but mature application" say Marcus Kingsley, Group Sales & Marketing Director. "With NetSupport products commanding such a wide and varied installation base, we have maintained our strategy of being the first to react to the needs of our existing customer base, overall market feedback and the first to deliver effective, secure and proven solutions."

NetSupport Inform provides all of the key functionality needed in a busy training center from a single Instructors console, all in an intuitive and logical manner.

Replacing the need for Overhead Projectors, Whiteboards and other presentation tools, NetSupport Inform provides a truly two-way solution.

For more information about NetSupport Inform, visit

About NetSupport:
Headquartered in The UK, NetSupport specializes in the development and promotion of commercial software packages to manage and support Local and Wide Area Computer Networks. Its flagship products are the highly successful NetSupport Manager Remote Control and PC Management application, NetSupport DNA, offering advanced Enterprise Asset Management, NetSupport School, the leading interactive classroom and training software solution and NetSupport Protect, advanced desktop
protection and endpoint security.

NetSupport and its derivatives are sold worldwide and enjoy market-leading status in many countries. NetSupport is recognized as one of the fastest growing technology companies in The EU, consistently included within the Deloitte & Touche Fast 50 Awards (6 years running) and most recently, voted the #1 UK Technology Exporter (European Technology Forum, 2005).

Monday, July 03, 2006


The First International Workshop on ONTOLOGY MATCHING

The First International Workshop on

November 5 or 6, 2006, ISWC'06 Workshop Program, Athens, Georgia, USA

Ontology matching is a key interoperability enabler for the Semantic Web,
since it takes the ontologies as input and determines as output
correspondences between the semantically related entities of those ontologies.
These correspondences can be used for various tasks, such as ontology merging,
query answering, data translation, or for navigation on the Semantic Web.
Thus, matching ontologies enables the knowledge and data expressed in the
matched ontologies to interoperate.

The workshop has two goals:
1. To bring together academic and industry leaders dealing with ontology matching
in order to assess how academic advances are addressing real-world requirements.
The workshop will strive to improve academic awareness of industrial needs, and
therefore, direct research towards those needs. Simultaneously, the workshop will
serve to inform industry representatives about existing research efforts that may
meet their business needs.

2. To conduct an extensive evaluation of ontology matching approaches through
the OAEI (Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative) 2006 campaign. The particular
focus of this year's OAEI campaign is on real-world matching tasks from specific
domains, e.g., medicine, jobs. Therefore, the ontology matching evaluation
initiative itself will provide a solid ground for discussion of how well the
current approaches are meeting business needs.

TOPICS of interest include, but are not limited to:
Application of ontology matching techniques in real-world scenarios;
Requirements to ontology matching from specific domains;
Formal foundations and frameworks for ontology matching;
Performance of ontology-matching techniques;
Background knowledge in ontology matching;
Uncertainty in ontology matching;
Interactive ontology matching;
Ontology matching evaluation methodology;
Ontology matching for information integration;
Ontology matching for query answering;
Ontology matching for dynamic environments (e.g., P2P systems);
Systems and infrastructures.

1. Fausto Giunchiglia,
University of Trento, Italy.
Tentative title: Background Knowledge in Ontology Matching.

2. Amit Sheth,
University of Georgia and Semagix, USA.
Tentative title: Matching, Mapping and Alignment in the context of
Real World Ontologies and Semantic Services.

The schedule assumes one day workshop. The workshop will consist of the
following components: keynote presentations, technical presentations,
OAEI'06 results presentations, posters and consensus building workshop,
wrap-up discussion.

Contributions to the workshop can be made in terms of (i) technical papers
addressing different issues of ontology matching as well as (ii) participating
in the OAEI 2006 campaign. Technical papers should be not longer than 12 pages
using the LNCS Style. For complete style details, see Springer's Author Instructions,11855,5-164-2-72376-0,00.html
These should be prepared in PDF format and should be sent
(no later than August 11, 2006) by email to Pavel Shvaiko:

pavel at dit dot unitn dot it

Technical papers will be refereed by the Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.

Contributors to the OAEI 2006 campaign have to follow the contest conditions

August 11, 2006: Deadline for the submission of papers.
September 14, 2006: Deadline for the notification of acceptance/rejection.
September 21, 2006: Workshop camera ready copy submission.
November 5 or 6, 2006: OM-2006, GA Center, Athens, Georgia, USA.

early June, 2006: First publication of test cases.
June 28, 2006: Comments on test cases (any time before that date).
July 3, 2006: Final publication of test cases.
September 4, 2006: Preliminary results due (for interoperability-checking).
September 15, 2006: Participants send final results and supporting papers.
October 9, 2006: Organizers publish results for comments.
November 5 or 6, 2006: OM-2006, GA Center, Athens, Georgia, USA;
OAEI'06 final results ready.


1. Pavel Shvaiko
University of Trento, Italy
e-mail: pavel at dit dot unitn dot it

2. Jerome Euzenat
INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France

3. Natasha Noy
Stanford University, USA

4. Heiner Stuckenschmidt
University of Mannheim, Germany

5. Richard Benjamins
Intelligent Software Components, Spain

6. Michael Uschold
The Boeing Company, USA

Benjamin Ashpole, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Labs, USA
Richard Benjamins, Intelligent Software Components, Spain
Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento, Italy
Jerome Euzenat, INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France
Fausto Giunchiglia, University of Trento, Italy
Andreas Hess, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wei Hu, Southeast University, China
Jingshan Huang, University of South Carolina, USA
Todd Hughes, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Labs, USA
Michael Huhns, University of South Carolina, USA
Ryutaro Ichise, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Yannis Kalfoglou, University of Southampton, UK
Deborah McGuinness, Stanford University, USA
Meenakshi Nagarajan, University of Georgia, USA
Natasha Noy, Stanford University, USA
Satya Sahoo, University of Georgia, USA
Marco Schorlemmer, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Spain
Pavel Shvaiko, University of Trento, Italy
Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz, Germany
Umberto Straccia, ISTI-C.N.R., Italy
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, University of Mannheim, Germany
York Sure, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Michael Uschold, The Boeing Company, USA
Petko Valtchev, University of Montreal, Canada
Mikalai Yatskevich, University of Trento, Italy

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