Friday, February 17, 2006
The confusing variety of online offers is rough sea for consumers
The confusing variety of online offers is rough sea for consumers
Pricepirates help online shoppers to seize bargains
New free price comparison program checking eBay auctions against thousandsof shops.
Cambridge, 17 February 2006 - Buyertools Ltd this week is launching thefirst free of charge price comparison program, checking eBay auctionsagainst thousands of online stores. The new software called "Pricepirates"finds relevant offers from merchants listed at, the world'slargest product catalog, and on the Amazon Marketplace. Christoph Berndt,Managing Director of Buyertools Ltd states: "The application checks pricesfor several million offers within seconds. The number of offers is growingevery day!"
The developer Buyertools Ltd states that it "put great emphasis on searchspeed, exceeding standard web browsers, and on a user friendly interface":"Pricepirates helps to guide online shoppers hunting for bargains on thenet." The software can be downloaded for free from the developer's web site After installing, the user only has to enter a keywordand Pricepirates lists all matching offers with their prices within seconds.The developer explains: "Unlike online price comparison services, thisapplication manages to track eBay auctions against online prices in shopsacross large markets, achieving the widest scope for price comparisons weknow." Pricepirates provides international price compares from eBay sites in13 countries.
The program's menu is simple and intuitive. It generates online and in realtime comprehensive lists which can be sorted by a range of criteria. A mouseclick on an entry opens the relevant product page at the selected onlinestore in a browser window. The user can add auctions to a watch list toobserve objects of interest, and if desired, the user can even set theprogram to send an SMS as a reminder when the auction is about to end. Thishelps to bid just a few minutes before the hammer falls, reducing the timeleft for competing bids to be placed.
According to research by AC Nielsen, the British and the Germans are theworld's biggest online shoppers. The idea for Pricepirates first started inGermany in 2003, where it has become a very popular tool amongst Internetshoppers. According to 'eMarketer' (Dec 2005) Germany is Europe's largestonline market with over 22 million shoppers. Now for the first time thisfree program is being made available in English, providing access to pricesand comparisons from auctions on13 regional eBay sites and 95 percent ofthe top 300 merchants in the U.S., the majority of the leading merchants inthe U.K. and thousands of smaller merchants across the globe. "We want to create real market transparency" says Christoph Berndt."Misguided and confused consumers are a growing concern. As consumerprotection associations repeatedly have shown, the reseller's low priceclaims are often misleading." It is of growing importance to plan andresearch before buying online. This requires not only comparing currentprices, but to observe the market for the item over a longer period.
Pricepirates integrated statistics help the user to analyze pricedevelopments on eBay.Buyertools guarantees the user's anonymity and that its program is free ofads and spyware. Pricepirates does not store any user data. To run a pricesearch the user is not required to provide his or her name or other personaldetails. The application does not store personal user details."Pricepirates" can be downloaded for free from
About Limited is the specialist developer of online auction, shoppingand price comparison applications. "Our tools create transparency in anincreasingly complex market place", says Managing Director Christoph Berndt,and adds: "We offer the bidder the tools and information necessary for ahead start in any eBay auction or online purchase."Buyertools Ltd. Registered
Address:9 Moore CloseCambridgeCB4 1ZPUnited Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7193 0815
+44 (0)870 330 5936
Press Contact:International IT Marketing LimitedLic. Klaas Brumann9 Moore Close, Cambridge, CB4 1ZPUnited KingdomE-mail: kb (at) exactresults.comTel. +44 8700 114911Fax +44 8715 601675USA +1 202-470-3242Newswire software, internet, mobile communicationNachrichten Software, Internet, MobiltelefonieNovedades software, Internet, telefonia movil
Pricepirates help online shoppers to seize bargains
New free price comparison program checking eBay auctions against thousandsof shops.
Cambridge, 17 February 2006 - Buyertools Ltd this week is launching thefirst free of charge price comparison program, checking eBay auctionsagainst thousands of online stores. The new software called "Pricepirates"finds relevant offers from merchants listed at, the world'slargest product catalog, and on the Amazon Marketplace. Christoph Berndt,Managing Director of Buyertools Ltd states: "The application checks pricesfor several million offers within seconds. The number of offers is growingevery day!"
The developer Buyertools Ltd states that it "put great emphasis on searchspeed, exceeding standard web browsers, and on a user friendly interface":"Pricepirates helps to guide online shoppers hunting for bargains on thenet." The software can be downloaded for free from the developer's web site After installing, the user only has to enter a keywordand Pricepirates lists all matching offers with their prices within seconds.The developer explains: "Unlike online price comparison services, thisapplication manages to track eBay auctions against online prices in shopsacross large markets, achieving the widest scope for price comparisons weknow." Pricepirates provides international price compares from eBay sites in13 countries.
The program's menu is simple and intuitive. It generates online and in realtime comprehensive lists which can be sorted by a range of criteria. A mouseclick on an entry opens the relevant product page at the selected onlinestore in a browser window. The user can add auctions to a watch list toobserve objects of interest, and if desired, the user can even set theprogram to send an SMS as a reminder when the auction is about to end. Thishelps to bid just a few minutes before the hammer falls, reducing the timeleft for competing bids to be placed.
According to research by AC Nielsen, the British and the Germans are theworld's biggest online shoppers. The idea for Pricepirates first started inGermany in 2003, where it has become a very popular tool amongst Internetshoppers. According to 'eMarketer' (Dec 2005) Germany is Europe's largestonline market with over 22 million shoppers. Now for the first time thisfree program is being made available in English, providing access to pricesand comparisons from auctions on13 regional eBay sites and 95 percent ofthe top 300 merchants in the U.S., the majority of the leading merchants inthe U.K. and thousands of smaller merchants across the globe. "We want to create real market transparency" says Christoph Berndt."Misguided and confused consumers are a growing concern. As consumerprotection associations repeatedly have shown, the reseller's low priceclaims are often misleading." It is of growing importance to plan andresearch before buying online. This requires not only comparing currentprices, but to observe the market for the item over a longer period.
Pricepirates integrated statistics help the user to analyze pricedevelopments on eBay.Buyertools guarantees the user's anonymity and that its program is free ofads and spyware. Pricepirates does not store any user data. To run a pricesearch the user is not required to provide his or her name or other personaldetails. The application does not store personal user details."Pricepirates" can be downloaded for free from
About Limited is the specialist developer of online auction, shoppingand price comparison applications. "Our tools create transparency in anincreasingly complex market place", says Managing Director Christoph Berndt,and adds: "We offer the bidder the tools and information necessary for ahead start in any eBay auction or online purchase."Buyertools Ltd. Registered
Address:9 Moore CloseCambridgeCB4 1ZPUnited Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7193 0815
+44 (0)870 330 5936
Press Contact:International IT Marketing LimitedLic. Klaas Brumann9 Moore Close, Cambridge, CB4 1ZPUnited KingdomE-mail: kb (at) exactresults.comTel. +44 8700 114911Fax +44 8715 601675USA +1 202-470-3242Newswire software, internet, mobile communicationNachrichten Software, Internet, MobiltelefonieNovedades software, Internet, telefonia movil
Not your average download manager
For immediate releaseContact: Arni JohannessonZabersoft, Inc.
Phone: +45 27426729
PimpFish with SLAPfiles Released - Not your average download manager
Odense Denmark, February 17th, 2006 - Zabersoft, Inc. has released PimpFish- Designed to work on Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003, PimpFish is a DownloadManager, Internet Explorer or Firefox toolbar and an assortment of plug-insdesigned to make it easier to download and share content you find online.With PimpFish, you can grab, download, organize, and share Flash, QuickTimeor any other video, pictures, or files you find on Web sites.
SLAPfiles is a major feature of PimpFish and is a new, open, portable XMLformat. SLAPfiles lets you share multiple downloads with just a single file.A SLAPfile is in essence a collection of any content on the web, allgathered in a single file. You can even add your own comments for the peopleyou share the SLAPfile with."Try to think of SLAPfiles as a hybrid between RSS and torrent files.Except, it's not a P2P kind of thing" said Arni Johannesson, Zabersoft CEOand co-founder. "When people ask me what all this weirdness is about I liketo ask them: Are you a compulsive downloader? Do you share picture or movielinks on bulletin boards? Or just frequently share neat stuff you findonline with your friends? SLAPfiles are right up your alley (..)".
SLAPfiles enable you to share content such as video and picture downloadsmore easily by gathering relevant information about a collection of URLs ina single XML file. This design makes it simple to share downloads on messageboards and forums, without the need for a separate peer-to-peer sharingprogram. SLAPfiles are easy to use, and PimpFish comes with an assortmentof online tools designed to help you quickly create and share SLAPfiles.
These tools include online SLAPfile generators, a SLAPfile emailing service,Google video downloader and online storage of your SLAPfiles."In fact, SLAPfiles are very developer-friendly and they use an open XMLformat which we hope people will adapt to suit their needs. An online scriptcoupled with the PimpFish download manager means that you can pretty muchturn it into anything you want" said Michael Dunn, Senior SoftwareArchitect, Microsoft Visual Developer MVP, and Zabersoft co-founder.
PimpFish is an all-around utility for the casual surfer which begins with anadvanced toolbar for Internet Explorer. With the toolbar, you can grabimages and movies or whatever you can think of from any Web site. Thetoolbar works in tandem with the FloatBar for Internet Explorer, a powerfultool which helps you in saving any embedded video file you bump into onlinesuch as Flash, QuickTime, and Windows Media. With the FloatBar, you can evenzoom and resize pictures directly in your browser.PimpFish is based on a tried and tested technology base and has its roots inthe first ever application to combine a browser toolbar and downloadmanager;
Phone: +45 27426729
PimpFish with SLAPfiles Released - Not your average download manager
Odense Denmark, February 17th, 2006 - Zabersoft, Inc. has released PimpFish- Designed to work on Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003, PimpFish is a DownloadManager, Internet Explorer or Firefox toolbar and an assortment of plug-insdesigned to make it easier to download and share content you find online.With PimpFish, you can grab, download, organize, and share Flash, QuickTimeor any other video, pictures, or files you find on Web sites.
SLAPfiles is a major feature of PimpFish and is a new, open, portable XMLformat. SLAPfiles lets you share multiple downloads with just a single file.A SLAPfile is in essence a collection of any content on the web, allgathered in a single file. You can even add your own comments for the peopleyou share the SLAPfile with."Try to think of SLAPfiles as a hybrid between RSS and torrent files.Except, it's not a P2P kind of thing" said Arni Johannesson, Zabersoft CEOand co-founder. "When people ask me what all this weirdness is about I liketo ask them: Are you a compulsive downloader? Do you share picture or movielinks on bulletin boards? Or just frequently share neat stuff you findonline with your friends? SLAPfiles are right up your alley (..)".
SLAPfiles enable you to share content such as video and picture downloadsmore easily by gathering relevant information about a collection of URLs ina single XML file. This design makes it simple to share downloads on messageboards and forums, without the need for a separate peer-to-peer sharingprogram. SLAPfiles are easy to use, and PimpFish comes with an assortmentof online tools designed to help you quickly create and share SLAPfiles.
These tools include online SLAPfile generators, a SLAPfile emailing service,Google video downloader and online storage of your SLAPfiles."In fact, SLAPfiles are very developer-friendly and they use an open XMLformat which we hope people will adapt to suit their needs. An online scriptcoupled with the PimpFish download manager means that you can pretty muchturn it into anything you want" said Michael Dunn, Senior SoftwareArchitect, Microsoft Visual Developer MVP, and Zabersoft co-founder.
PimpFish is an all-around utility for the casual surfer which begins with anadvanced toolbar for Internet Explorer. With the toolbar, you can grabimages and movies or whatever you can think of from any Web site. Thetoolbar works in tandem with the FloatBar for Internet Explorer, a powerfultool which helps you in saving any embedded video file you bump into onlinesuch as Flash, QuickTime, and Windows Media. With the FloatBar, you can evenzoom and resize pictures directly in your browser.PimpFish is based on a tried and tested technology base and has its roots inthe first ever application to combine a browser toolbar and downloadmanager;