Tuesday, March 14, 2006
MegaMeeting.com Brings Web and Video Conferencing to a New Level of Effectiveness
MegaMeeting.com Brings Web and Video Conferencing to a New Level of Effectiveness
Launches New Features for its Cutting Edge Video & Web ConferencingServices, advancing its goal of making online conferencing accessible to asmany people as possible, as well as making online meetings as productive as possible.
Los Angeles, CA - March 14, 2006 - "Web and Video Conferencing has nowreached a new level of effectiveness," said Dan Richmond, as he unveiled thelatest features incorporated in his company's advanced web conferencing services.
Richmond is the CEO of MegaMeeting.com, a Los Angeles based firm thatprovides browser based web and video conferencing services and softwarethrough its website, www.megameeting.com
The new features in MegaMeeting's products and services include freeintegrated teleconferencing, online surveys, live polling, real timenotepads, improved VoIP, an updated presenter panel and more host controls.
"Our goal is to make online conferencing accessible to as many people aspossible, and to make these conferences as effective as possible," explainedRichmond.
MegaMeeting's online conferencing products and services are all browserbased and they "now support 99% of the browsers on the market place," saidRichmond. He explained that no software downloads or installations arerequired to run a MegaMeeting conference and that it can run on anyoperating system.
"All someone needs is a broadband connection to the Internet and a browser,and they can log onto a conference from any point in the world," addedRichmond.
The quality of online conferences, which are now being used for a widevariety of corporate, social and private communication, is about to bestepped up due to the new features that enhance interactivity, maintainsRichmond.
The new features that he singled out include a real time notepad that allowsconference participants to brainstorm together, writing new entries on acommonly viewed panel, an improved VoIP service that makes voicecommunication clearer and instant online polling and surveys which allow thepresenters of the conference to "take the pulse of their participants with ease."
MegaMeeting's conferencing system is "video centric," explained Richmond. Upto 13 video windows can be viewed simultaneously on any conference. With thenew enhanced features, the host now has improved control on the placement ofthe video windows.
The host now controls the exact window position that each meetingparticipant appears in (or whether their video window should appear at all).For meetings in which the host is going to be the only video image present,he/she can have his/her image placed in the same area for all participants.
Organizations which are already using telephone conference calling will feelright at home with MegaMeeting's new teleconference feature which allows upto 100 people to participate in a conference call. The teleconference isintegrated with the web conference and participants who are away from theircomputers or do not have the right kind of equipment can participate in theaudio portion of the web conference through a telephone connection.
How are companies using this new technology? "The sky's the limit," saidRichmond who pointed out that many firms are now hold meetings routinelyover the Internet, saving thousands of dollars in transportation costs onevery online meeting, and educational institutions are using it to promote"learning at a distance."
Even individuals are jumping on the online conferencing bandwagon. "Onefamily in the Midwest was able to 'attend' two graduation ceremonies takingplace simultaneously in two different cities thanks to video conferencing,"Richmond said.
About MegaMeeting.com
MegaMeeting.com is a leading provider of 100% browser-based Video & WebConferencing solutions. Being browser based and working on all majoroperating systems - Windows, Mac & Linux, MegaMeeting.com provides allparties the ability to effectively communicate via the Internet with eachother, without the need to download, install or configure software.MegaMeeting.com web conferencing products and services include powerfulcollaboration tools that provide for robust Video & Web Conferences,including advanced features such as desktop/application sharing andPowerPoint presentations (without the necessity to upload any files).MegaMeeting is ideal for multi-point sales meetings, virtual classrooms,employee trainings, product demonstrations, company orientation and remotecontrol desktop support. MegaMeeting provides solutions hosted on its ownservers, as well as on the clients' servers, including a fully customizedPrivate Branded version that removes all references to the MegaMeeting.combrand, giving the client a Web & Video Conferencing Solution they can trulycall their own.
Launches New Features for its Cutting Edge Video & Web ConferencingServices, advancing its goal of making online conferencing accessible to asmany people as possible, as well as making online meetings as productive as possible.
Los Angeles, CA - March 14, 2006 - "Web and Video Conferencing has nowreached a new level of effectiveness," said Dan Richmond, as he unveiled thelatest features incorporated in his company's advanced web conferencing services.
Richmond is the CEO of MegaMeeting.com, a Los Angeles based firm thatprovides browser based web and video conferencing services and softwarethrough its website, www.megameeting.com
The new features in MegaMeeting's products and services include freeintegrated teleconferencing, online surveys, live polling, real timenotepads, improved VoIP, an updated presenter panel and more host controls.
"Our goal is to make online conferencing accessible to as many people aspossible, and to make these conferences as effective as possible," explainedRichmond.
MegaMeeting's online conferencing products and services are all browserbased and they "now support 99% of the browsers on the market place," saidRichmond. He explained that no software downloads or installations arerequired to run a MegaMeeting conference and that it can run on anyoperating system.
"All someone needs is a broadband connection to the Internet and a browser,and they can log onto a conference from any point in the world," addedRichmond.
The quality of online conferences, which are now being used for a widevariety of corporate, social and private communication, is about to bestepped up due to the new features that enhance interactivity, maintainsRichmond.
The new features that he singled out include a real time notepad that allowsconference participants to brainstorm together, writing new entries on acommonly viewed panel, an improved VoIP service that makes voicecommunication clearer and instant online polling and surveys which allow thepresenters of the conference to "take the pulse of their participants with ease."
MegaMeeting's conferencing system is "video centric," explained Richmond. Upto 13 video windows can be viewed simultaneously on any conference. With thenew enhanced features, the host now has improved control on the placement ofthe video windows.
The host now controls the exact window position that each meetingparticipant appears in (or whether their video window should appear at all).For meetings in which the host is going to be the only video image present,he/she can have his/her image placed in the same area for all participants.
Organizations which are already using telephone conference calling will feelright at home with MegaMeeting's new teleconference feature which allows upto 100 people to participate in a conference call. The teleconference isintegrated with the web conference and participants who are away from theircomputers or do not have the right kind of equipment can participate in theaudio portion of the web conference through a telephone connection.
How are companies using this new technology? "The sky's the limit," saidRichmond who pointed out that many firms are now hold meetings routinelyover the Internet, saving thousands of dollars in transportation costs onevery online meeting, and educational institutions are using it to promote"learning at a distance."
Even individuals are jumping on the online conferencing bandwagon. "Onefamily in the Midwest was able to 'attend' two graduation ceremonies takingplace simultaneously in two different cities thanks to video conferencing,"Richmond said.
About MegaMeeting.com
MegaMeeting.com is a leading provider of 100% browser-based Video & WebConferencing solutions. Being browser based and working on all majoroperating systems - Windows, Mac & Linux, MegaMeeting.com provides allparties the ability to effectively communicate via the Internet with eachother, without the need to download, install or configure software.MegaMeeting.com web conferencing products and services include powerfulcollaboration tools that provide for robust Video & Web Conferences,including advanced features such as desktop/application sharing andPowerPoint presentations (without the necessity to upload any files).MegaMeeting is ideal for multi-point sales meetings, virtual classrooms,employee trainings, product demonstrations, company orientation and remotecontrol desktop support. MegaMeeting provides solutions hosted on its ownservers, as well as on the clients' servers, including a fully customizedPrivate Branded version that removes all references to the MegaMeeting.combrand, giving the client a Web & Video Conferencing Solution they can trulycall their own.