Friday, March 31, 2006


Google AdWords Return On Investment

AdwordsReporter 1.1 - software to improve your Google AdWords Return On Investment

Wuerzburg, Germany, March 31, 2006. Wisco have released AdwordsReporter, a reporting tool for Google Adwords, for Windows 2000and Windows XP.

AdwordsReporter is a windows-based utility that fills the gap left byGoogle's report centre. The software allows users to quickly andvisually analyze the performance of their Google Adwords account.

The impressions, clicks, click through rates, costs per click and allother data are visually displayed within the software, allowing theuser to detect and identify long term behavioural trends of campaigns, adgroups and even of individual keywords.
Any user of Google AdWords will find this to be a timesaving anduseful tool for improving the performance of their account.

Aside from patterns, trends and opportunities, the software maypotentially be useful in helping to identify the ever-growing menaceof click fraud, simply by selecting the number of impressions and thecorresponding click-through-rates. Reports may be generated on the flyfrom within the software, and may also be exported as html or printedout for future reference.

AdwordsReporter is available as two editions. The Professional Edition(149 USD) is for the standard single account user, and the EnterpriseEdition (299 USD) is aimed at Adwords Professionals, or anyonehandling a variety of different accounts.

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