Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Fishing for global attention by pimping art money

Software firm fishes for global attention by pimping art money

Odense Denmark, March 15th, 2006 - Zabersoft, Inc. announces its partnershipwith the Bank of International Art Money (BIAM). Zabersoft will now acceptpayment in Art Money for software licenses for its flagship product,PimpFish. Zabersoft will be the first software/technology company to everaccept art objects as valid payment for its products.

The founders of Zabersoft, Inc. were introduced to the concept of Art Moneyby pure coincidence. They loved the concept, one thing lead to another, andnow they accept art objects as payment for their products.

"We have tried to make it as simple for people to pay with Art Money as wepossibly could, by creating a fusion between our existing licensingframework and the online Art Money marketplace. In fact, with the currentmodel people can buy Art Money, support an artist and save a few dollars onthe license cost without much more hassle than buying a license ''thetraditional way''. It all happens online." said Arni Johannesson, ZabersoftCEO and co-founder.

The Bank of International Art Money (BIAM) is an independent, artist runorganization. Art Money is an original art object by which BIAM aims tocreate a global alternative currency. BIAM main objectives are to offerartists worldwide the chance of financial freedom and worldwide exposure inorder to focus on the creative process. BIAM aims to integrate analternative global currency with local currencies worldwide as a steptowards equal shopping conditions for rich and poor regardless of theconditions of the local social environment. This currency may as suchfunction as a human link across cultural, racial, linguistic, political and religious barriers.

"It is initiatives like the one from Zabersoft that helps turn a utopian artconcept into reality. Zabersoft has chosen to accept payment for theirproduct as 100% art money. This places art money on line with regular cash.More importantly it invites low income people to shop! I am very excited tosee professional businesses and art find healthy win-win collaboration inart money, and I dare hope for a wild and wonderful future for generationsto come!" said Lars Krammer, BIAM CEO.

The product initially offered to customers by Zabersoft, PimpFish, is a newdownload manager application. Designed to work on Windows98/Me/2000/XP/2003, PimpFish is a Download Manager, Internet Explorer orFirefox toolbar and an assortment of plug-ins designed to make it easier todownload and share content you find online. With PimpFish, you can grab,download, organize, and share Flash, QuickTime or any other video, pictures,or files you find on Web sites. PimpFish has enjoyed tremendous popularitysince its release January this year and has gained more than 15.000 newusers since its recent release.

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