Tuesday, February 21, 2006




Technology Lighthouse has released PTFB Pro version 3 - a tool that quickly and discretely answers confirmation requests and other prompts thatinterrupt your workflow.
PTFB Pro is designed to minimize the disruption and irritation caused bytoday's attention-craving programs. Tell it what buttons to press and when,and you'll finally be free of your computer's nagging requests to check forupdates, to change your default browser, and to make sure it's "OK" to dothe very thing you've just told it to do. It is, in effect, a "don't showthis again" option for the many prompts and messages that don't have one.

PTFB Pro can help keep interruptions at bay even when you're not at yourcomputer. Its powerful scheduler gives you control over when and how ofteneach action will be taken. You can instruct it to carefully recordeverything it does, and keep you apprized by email as required. PTFB Pro iseven capable of dismissing screen savers and temporarily unlocking a lockedPC if the situation demands it.

In addition to its nuisance suppression role, PTFB Pro now has an inbuiltmacro recorder and editor. This can record and playback complex sequences ofmouse and keyboard actions, allowing you to quickly cut long repetitivetasks down to size. Macros can be tied to the scheduler, to the appearanceof a certain window, or to a hotkey combination of your choice. You can alsotrigger PTFB Pro macros from the command line, allowing other programs andscripts to determine when they run. For the security-conscious, PTFB Proprovides facilities for restricting macro viewing and editing, and ifnecessary access to the entire program can be password protected.

Much of PTFB Pro's popularity has been attributed to its ease of use. Despite the powerful new features introduced by version 3, PTFB Pro hasretained its simple, intuitive interface.

PTFB Pro is designed for use on Windows 98, NT4(SP6), 2000, XP and Server2003 and costs $29.99(USD) for a single license.

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